The EFL Global – El Salvador team has obtained its recertification of the Business Alliance for Secure Commerce (BASC). The certification is valid from June 28, 2023 to June 28, 2024. EFL Global's El Salvador branch has maintained a high level of security and compliance standards since beginning its membership with the BASC in 2020.
The BASC is the world's largest business-led organization dedicated to promoting supply chain security standards and establishing a security and control management system for global trade. The BASC certification is valid for one year in order to verify the maintenance and improvement of the Security and Control Management System for each organization.
EFL Global – El Salvador maintains strict practices to ensure the safe handling of cargo while remaining compliant with the legal requirements of its business partners. These procedures cover information transmission, warehouse handling, inspections, personnel, and more. The recertification of its BASC membership is an example of the team's commitment to safe and secure global trade for its team, industry partners, and clients.
For more information about our EFL Global – El Salvador opportunities, visit www.efl.global or email us at slv-sales@efl.global.