As an organization utilizing air, ocean, and land freight for our logistics solutions, EFL Global is aware of the interconnected nature of ecosystems both on land and water. This thought process is what encouraged us to prioritize SDG Goals 14 (Life Below Water) and 15 (Life on Land) when identifying the most suitable goals that align with our sustainability agenda.
The shipping industry has a detrimental impact on marine life, and turtles are one of the most susceptible species. Efforts to conserve life below water have been set in motion by us across the globe, and the latest endeavor in this series was conducted in Nicaragua. EFL Nicaragua, with the support of Fauna & Flora International, a renowned conversation organization, conducted an awareness session on the vital role sea turtles play in bringing balance to our ecosystems.
The session was held over a two-day period. On the first day of the project, EFL Global employees were given an overview of sea turtles, their general characteristics, and their importance within the ecosystem. Members of Fauna & Flora International shared their expertise and experiences in the field of marine conservation and on the behavior of turtles.
On the second day, EFL Global employees traveled to the Padre Ramos reserve to visit a sea turtle nursery. Prior to visiting the nursery, the participants were briefed on new developments in turtle conservation including tracking their behavior, nesting patterns, and preventive measures taken to limit habitat loss. Thereafter, the employees were taken on a guided hike to a sea turtle nursery where 12 hatchlings were released to the wild to start their journey of life.
These activities are the starting point for our Ocean Conservation Project in the Latin America region. As this project develops, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panamá will join to implement activities with strategic partners such as NGOs, research institutions, and local governments.
For more information about EFL Global’s Global Goodness program, visit https://efl.global/global-goodness.
To learn more about Fauna & Flora International, visit https://www.fauna-flora.org/.