Deforestation is rampant in Madagascar, one of the world’s top biodiversity conservation areas due to its high concentration of endemic species and extreme rates of habitat loss. Mankind has put pressure on its ecosystem and, as a result, been a major threat to its biodiversity.
EFL Madagascar recognized the importance of forests and the role they play in climate change. As advocates of sustainability and the environment, in February 2019, our team worked to safeguard the country’s biodiversity and ecosystem by partnering with Mitsinjo Association Parc Andasibe, a local NGO highly recognized for their work to protect life on earth. Together, they allocated nearly 5,500 square feet of land at a National Park in Andasibe to successfully plant 500 trees.
A large part of this initiative included educating the next generation on biodiversity and the dangers of climate change. During the project, EFL volunteers were accompanied by their younger family members and children to educate them on how to combat and reverse the effects of climate change.